

marc boussat pictures

Established in Grants Pass, Oregon, in 2009 by Marc Arnaud Boussat  imdb_icon after more than 20 years of experience in Video Production, Marketing, Communication, Journalism, Photography and Education.

“marc boussat pictures” strives to help Small Businesses thrive and reach bigger audiences through Online Video, Broadcast Quality Programs, Website Design, Hosting and Multimedia Services.


Our motto is “For the wish-fulfillment of your dream”!

In motion or still,  through the Internet or on TV, in English or French… you’ve dreamt of it, “marc boussat pictures” will realize it!


marc boussat aka marc-arnaud boussat

I have always used filmic expression as a natural language from the time I was able to handle a camera in my childhood.

I later graduated from the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne in the 1990’s with two Master’s degrees:

  • Master of Film, with honors
  • Master of Economics


Was awarded at the UNESCO’s -United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization- International Art and Educational Film Festival.

Awarded five consecutives times Top Photographer at SeaWorld San Diego.

Selected at the 2010 Ashland Independent Film Festival.

Selected to illustrate the City of Grants Pass website (2009-2014) and to capture still and motion images of the daily life throughout the state of Oregon for Oregon Project Dayshoot+30.

Published more than 50 pages -including photos- for professional film & video magazines and twice recently in a French National Newspaper (2012).

“As a Photographer, I enjoy taking pictures to revive and share moments during which an emotion has occurred,  a feeling of necessity in the impalpable interactions with others and the elements surrounding us.

As a Filmmaker, I love creating and sharing stories into the Documentary form and also into Music or other Art based movie as a sublimation form, a dialogue between different artistic expressions into a new and reproducible combined experience.”



Business Web Videos



Event Videos

Music-based Videos – Shorts


Documentaries – “Direct-cinema-vérité” style

This is my main skill. What I like to do without any order. “Direct-cinema-vérité” is my technique. Trying to observe and capture the reality with hand-held cameras, small or no crew, and without interfering voluntarily with the people being filmed. Immersing myself in the culture and the subject. Shooting long-takes or “plan-séquences”. Seizing the interactions provoked by the filmmaking, with an artistic and aesthetic eye. Sharing the movies with their protagonists and catching their feedback.
