Business Web Videos

Web Video is

  • a popular medium easily shared via e-mail and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter,
  • increasing across all demographics, more viewers means potentially more customers,
  • the most efficient Search Engine Optimization -SEO- technique: your Online Video is 10 times more likely to end up in the top 10 search results than a text on the same topic,
  • generating a high ROI -Return On Investment- because of low production and distribution costs,
  • able to leave a lasting impression -through emotions and senses- that get viewers to act directly at the click
    of a mouse,
  • “marc boussat pictures”‘specialty, in different formats, adaptable to meet all your needs… and beyond!

Our Business Web Videos are:

  • a short Video Presentation of your Product or Service, ranging in length from 30 seconds to 5 minutes,
  • shot and edited in Full High-Definition 1080p or in 4K, it uses sight, sound, motion, computer graphics, special effects, speech, body language and music (royalty free), to bring your Product or Service personality and selling points to your website.


  • A 1’46” Business Web Video for Liberty tree Enterprises LLC in Grants Pass:

  • A 1’45” Business Web Video for Rogue River Florist in Grants Pass:

  • here is a 3 minutes 15 seconds video we made for a Home Improvement Store in Grants Pass in June 2012:

  •  a 3 minutes 30 seconds video we made about a Tree Service Company in Grants Pass in March 2012:

  • a 2’33 video we made for the leader in the Airsoft Industry, as part of a series of 17 videos totalizing hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube!

  • a 1’11”  video we made about a product for